Fiche cheval beauty glory

- R2C7

plathandicap 5921sha tin (hong kong)1400M136527monaveen handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:35
13beauty gloryH60p0p6p8p0pavdulla b./101:21
28storming dragonH43ppurton z./11 l
34arielH65p2p4p2p2pwong e.c.w./13/4 l
412top peakH52p0p8p0pbentley h./11 l 1/2
51daring pursuitH64p5p(23)0p1pho c.y./1cte tete
67call me supremeH44pbowman h./1encolure
710smiling collectorH62p5p7p2p0pteetan k./11/2 l
85super legendsH46p0p3p(23)2pchung y.l./1cte tete
99matsu victorH40p9pde melo k./11 l
1014travel golfH59p8p8p0p4pchadwick m./1encolure
1113super bonusH40p4p0p(23)0pthompson b./1cte tete
126windicator familyH56p8p7p0pbadel a./1nez
132midori burlyH55p0p8p7phewitson l./11 l 1/4
1411circuit blazingH40p0p0patzeni a./1loin

- R2C5

plathandicap 7863sha tin (hong kong)1400M136527the cuhk alumni cup (handicap)14 partantsdépart à 07:10
111lucky goldH79p8p5p0pchau c.l./101:22
24flying mojitoH60p4p7p5pbowman h./11 l 1/2
36forerunnerH57p8p(23)0p7phamelin a./1encolure
410smart fighterH55p2p4p(23)9pbentley h./11 l 1/2
52daring pursuitH6(23)0p1p(22)wong e.c.w./11/2 l
65setantaH77p0p0p0pchadwick m./1encolure
713cheong fatH69p5p4p(23)4phewitson l./11/2 l
83golden riseH53p5p1p3ppurton z./1encolure
914fortune presidentH60p9p0p0p0pchung y.l./1encolure
107gameplayer warriorH49pferraris l./13/4 l
119gimme fiveH45p5pleung k.c./1cte tete
121beauty gloryH66p8p0p7p9pavdulla b./1encolure
1312brave witnessH54p0p2p6p0pde melo k./1cte tete
148team happyH40pteetan k./13 l 1/2

- R2C4

plathandicap 9190happy valley1200M217043kwoon chung intercontinental limousine handicap - 1st section9 partantsdépart à 12:10
15colourful emperorH43p3p4p(23)9pchung y.l.3.65/101:10
26act of faithH63p4p6p(23)6pavdulla b.10/11/2 l
31harmony n blessedH84p2p8p6pleung k.c.5.7/12 l 1/2
43lightning boltH60p8p5p(23)9pbowman h.7.35/11/2 l
58mega bonusH75p0p1p(23)0pbadel a.21/1nez
62atomic forceH52p0p8p9pbentley h.4.15/1encolure
74lucky archangelH76p0p(23)6p0pchau c.l.9.75/1encolure
87beauty gloryH60p7p9p(23)0ppurton z.9.1/1cte tete
99romantic novelistH40p0pchadwick m.31/11 l 1/4

- R2C8

plathandicap 9946happy valley1200M217043sing woo handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:15
17bon's a pearlaF65p0p1p(23)2pbadel a./101:09
23copartner ambitionH71p(23)1p5p1patzeni a./11 l 1/2
35winning iceyH67p5p(23)3p7pteetan k./1cte tete
46harmony n blessedH82p8p6p(23)4pleung k.c./1cte tete
51wonder kitH63p2p(23)3p5phewitson l./11/2 l
611goko winH68p7p(23)7p4pm chadwick/11 l
72astrologerH60p0p(23)7p0pthompson b./1cte tete
810never too soonH77p4p(23)0p1pde melo k./11 l 1/4
99grateful heartH86p0p(23)9p2pbentley h./11 l 3/4
1012beauty gloryH67p9p(23)0p0pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
114magniacH54p1p(23)0p2pchan k.h./1cte tete
128pleasant endeavorH74p1p(23)8p4pwong e.c.w./11/2 l

- R2C9

plathandicap 10647happy valley1200M217043victoria park handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 14:50
18sugar sugarH63p8p(23)6p8pchan k.h./101:10
25wings of warH50p(23)8p7p7pbentley h./13/4 l
39chain of goldH57pchadwick m./11 l 1/2
43raging blizzardH52p(23)1p4p1ppurton z./1cte tete
51bon's a pearlaF60p1p(23)2p4pbadel a./1tete
612golden samuraiH67p7p(23)9p5ppoon m.f./11/2 l
74beauty gloryH69p(23)0p0p1pchung y.l./11/2 l
87sing dragonH5Inédithewitson l./11/2 l
96star lineH40p0pde melo k./11 l 1/2
102heroic masterH62p(23)3p3p4pteetan k./11/2 l
1110golden titleH6Inéditleung k.c./14 l 1/2
1211solar upH59p(23)0pyeung m.l./117 l

- R2C4

plathandicap 11692happy valley1000M217527the hong kong club challenge cup (handicap)10 partantsdépart à 12:40
19happy unitedH5(23)3p1p2p9ppurton z./100:57
22heroic masterH6(23)3p3p4p1patzeni a./11 l 1/4
35atomic energyH5(23)5p2p0p4pchung y.l./1cte tete
46nicconi countyH65p(23)9p6p5pho c.y./1cte tete
53california deeplyH5(23)7p7p7p6pferraris l./11/2 l
610fortune warriorH5(23)5p2p6p5pteetan k./1tete
77chain of goldH5Inédithewitson l./13/4 l
81harmony n blessedH86p(23)4p4p5pavdulla b./1encolure
94beauty gloryH6(23)0p0p1p5pbentley h./1tete
108enfoldedH5(23)0pleung k.c./14 l

- R2C8

plathandicap 13590happy valley1200M261032longines international jockeys' championship (handicap) - 4th leg12 partantsdépart à 14:10
15tomodachi kokoroeH52p1p5p6p4pho c.y./101:10
211kaholo angelH31p3p2p6p6ppurton z./11/2 l
310toronado phantomH54p4p3p3p8pking r./11 l 1/4
49gameplayer eliteH44p6pmcdonald j./11/2 l
54solid impactH64p9p0p6p0pmurzabayev b./13/4 l
68sugar sugarH58p5p2p2p9pbarzalona m./1encolure
71lightning boltH54p1p1p9p7pteetan k./11/2 l
812solar partnerH65p1p1p3p2pmoore r./11/2 l
96golden empireH50p4p4p1p0pmarquand t./1cte tete
102lucky archangelH61p1p1p5p5phewitson l./1encolure
113sinbaH58p6p0p0p5pdoyle h./11 l
127beauty gloryH51p5p7p2p3pkawada y./12 l

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